Contact Info

About Me

Valerie Smith is a top-producing agent of REFLECT Real Estate, a boutique real estate brokerage serving the Houston and Dallas metroplexes.

Valerie's love of real estate began in 2003 as a real estate investor. As an investor, she has participated as either the Buyer or Seller in 25+ transactions all over the greater Houston metroplex giving her first-hand experience of the intricacies of a real estate transaction and the importance of having a knowledgeable and results-driven Realtor on your team!

After spending 15 years as a Human Resources executive, Valerie's love of real estate and of serving people intersected - leading her to a full-time career as a Realtor. Valerie leverages her excellent interpersonal skills to build authentic and ongoing relationships with clients. She is adept at understanding clients' needs and partnering with them to achieve their real estate goals whether it is buying, selling, or investing.

Valerie's authenticity combined with her in-depth market knowledge, attention to detail, uncompromising work ethic and commitment to serving her clients differentiates her from other Realtors in the industry.

A native Texan, Valerie holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University. When she's not with clients, she enjoys spending time with her husband and can often be found on the sidelines cheering on her three children in their various school and sports activities. She is also an active volunteer in the PTO as well as National Charity League.