Contact Info

About Me

Gina Thayer is the GO-TO customer service queen! She started out as a seasoned Houston Real Estate Investor, investing in single family properties, as well as multi-family, properties. Consistent inquiries from friends and acquaintances about her successes, alongside her love for serving people and for all aspects of real estate, lead to a natural progression as an Agent!

She is passionate about helping people find the right solutions, and connecting buyers and sellers! She embraces current technology and works tirelessly and creatively to match needs. Gina loves building relationships with her clients, tenants and customers, such that they WANT to work with her again and again…and are consistently recommending her to others. This hard-earned trust is not taken for granted!

Truth is, there are many Real Estate agents out there. Gina's goal is to stand above the crowd and SERVE you in a capacity that you will gain a friend and trusted partner in the process, and be delighted with your results, whether you are on the buying or selling side.

Gina's words:
Count on me to guide your process…from beginning to end! Connect with me so that I can help you evaluate your goals/needs, and make those home dreams a REALITY!

Best ways to connect:

c: 713-298-3004 (call/text)

FaceBook Messenger (Gina Haney Thayer)