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Evans Realty Group

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3702 Lindenfield – Katy, TX 77449
Direction 3702 Lindenfield
Katy, TX 77449  Get directions


2 recommendation(s)

Gary and his Real-Estate team helped us purchase our first home. Gary helped us win the contract in a fiercely competitive market against multiple offers. His marketing and negotiation skills, and the way he presented us, positioned us as the best choice for the seller to work with. If you need a Real-Estate and marketing expert on your side, or if your past offers on a property have been rejected, you should definitely contact Gary Evans and his team.


Gary and his team did a great job selling my home. He sold the home quickly (faster than others on the market in the neighborhood) and for 98% of the original asking price. He and his team handled all the details, were very responsive to my questions, and made the process smooth and hassle free. I highly recommend Gary for anyone wanting to get their home sold fast and for top dollar.