William McDonald

Texas Signature Realty

"Investment Real Estate Specialist"

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my dues paid in 2015

Do you mean that you are looking for your past dues that have been paid?nIt may help to understand what you are asking first so that I may better answer your question. Let me know if there is any way I can help.Posted 8 years ago

What form do I use for lease amendments?

This would definitely be a question for legal counsel. Try calling TAR Legal Hotline and seeing if they can answer definitively, or point you in the right direction.nnTAR Legal Hotline 1800-873-9155Posted 8 years ago

What do you think about the Home TOOR lockbox?

Perhaps if you provided a Link to the lockbox you are talking about, others may see what you mean. I myself am unfamiliar with that style...Posted 8 years ago

Chart showing where public searches online for real estate listings

Perhaps if you explained what exactly you were asking, I could help you answer the question. Let me know if there is any way I can help.Posted 8 years ago

when we will have a Social Media Pro Boot Camp

I have viewed the calendar for this year and there is not currently one listed that is published. Perhaps calling HAR and asking directly may be able to point you into the right time frame that a new one may come about.Posted 8 years ago


I actually take my own pictures, but try to take the time in order to capture the right lighting, angle, etc. I do not have professional equipment, however it does come out nicely and is presentable and professional nevertheless. People may have luck more...Posted 8 years ago

How to onboard international invester?

What exactly do you mean by this question?nn*Do you mean how do you attract foreign investments?n*How to work with foreign investors...n*How to find an agent who will work with foreign investors...nnI may be able to help you if I better understand what more...Posted 8 years ago

hottest selling zip codes

It may be helpful for you to define what you mean by "hot". Also, you may have more luck with searching specific demographic data, or finding someone who can help you find individual topics for areas you might be interested in marketing to or otherwise more...Posted 8 years ago

FHA Loan - Underwriters

The underwriting process in my experience takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks; likely anywhere from 2-10 business days as my rule of thumb.nMuch like the other answer that you received, which was very well put I might add, this can all be determined more...Posted 8 years ago

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