Maria Grant

Porchlight Realtors

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Bronze Level

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Level Points Symbol
5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199
Score Details:
Total Answers020
Best Answers0100
Questions Asked5210
Resolved Questions1--
Total Thumbs Up Received010
Total Thumbs Down Received0--
Your Total Thumbs Up/Down33133
Total Points15

Recent Participation

Full home generator maintenance?...

I have a whole home generator and use Wired Electric for service and maintenance.Posted 2 months ago - Last Answered by amfultz

Hello Fellow Realtors! Are there any small recommended brokerages that offer commission splits without monthly fees??...

Maria! Great question in a tightening market and economy! The best advice I ever received was to forget about the expenses and focus on the income. What we focus on expands. If we focus on money going out, regardless of if we are trying to stop it, more...Posted 1 year ago - Last Answered by codydm

Security camera repair?...

I agree with Joe’s reply : if they’ve just purchased, there are several companies who’ll offer free equip and installation in return for a monitoring service contract of a year or more. Otherwise, identify original manufacturer and either Google more...Posted 2 years ago - Last Answered by vhara

Security Camera Repair?...

Jamal Caliste is the best. Call him at (713) 962-0629.Posted 2 years ago - Last Answered by lolabp

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