March 2020 Homeward Bound

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Spring is Springing! Yay! I just came inside from shooting a video outside and WOW! It’s nice out! Yes, I realize that when you get this and read it, that it could be cold and rainy, but those cold days are just about over.  Everyone loves Spring, mainly because it means… summer is near

For many across this great country though, it’s still COLDgray, and snowy! One thing is for sure, this winter season is coming to an end. It does every year without fail.


Just like the weather seasons come and go, so do the seasons of life. I'm 52 years old, my youngest is in college, and my oldest son is off figuring out work and life. Are you with me when I say that these seasons seem to come and go faster and faster as well as the time? My husband reminded me last night we have shared 28 of my birthdays together. Some of life’s seasons will be HOT and others will be COLD, some high and some low. The lows we want to move by quickly, the highs we want to stay in forever. But it’s the low points, those tough times, that I have learned the most from. All of the experiences through these seasons make me who I am.

 If you or a friend are thinking about selling, make sure to choose a real estate company you can trust!


A real estate company with experience,

proven results and a give-back philosophy!


In fact, if it’s OK with you, let me focus just a bit on the referral request.  My team and I are eager to help anyone you know wanting to make a move so much so that we are willing to make an offer that they will love.

Having peace of mind and getting top dollar for your home. Experience counts!

For the month of March, anyone considering making a move that you refer to me, I guarantee that a portion of my fee will go to SEARCH Homeless Services. This is where you can help! If you or anyone you know is considering making a move, we would like to offer them a FREE No Obligation Market Analysis that will give them a real idea of what they can expect to sell their home for. Just like we are thankful for you and your business, I am confident your referrals will be thanking you for steering them in the right direction on getting their home sold!

This year, my team and I are on a mission to raise $10,000 for SEARCH Homeless Services. Thirty years ago, SEARCH was a group of concerned citizens and volunteers in response to the growing numbers of men, women, and children living on the streets of Houston. Initially, the organization served as a day shelter offering meals, showers, and laundry service.

Today, SEARCH has become the region’s leading agency in helping people move from the streets into jobs and safe, stable housing to break free from the cycle of poverty and homelessness. SEARCH’s efforts now go beyond meeting basic needs to ensure that their clients obtain permanent housing, increase their income, and live a more healthy life, They place their clients in a stable home and then provide extensive case management and wrap-around services to help them stabilize their lives in order to remain housed. 

REFER YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS: Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team?  Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, but a very worthy cause will also benefit.

I want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so here are your options:

You can call me direct at 832-526-8888 or pass on my number.

If you are receiving this issue of Homeward Bound by mail, you can complete the Referral Response Card enclosed or pass along one of my business cards.

Over the last two decades of helping thousands of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people.  People like you! So your referrals, those you know considering a move, that we help – you can rest assured that not only will they get the award-winning service we are known for and the guarantee to back it up, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.

I hope you and your family are well and this month brings you much joy and happiness.

Chantal Nguyen

Broker, REO Certified, CDPE, CRS, ABR

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