Texas Fence Law

Legal issues related to fences are common across Texas. This course will provide an overview of Texas fence law and will discuss common fence related issues found in both rural and urban settings. Topics covered will include the difference between open range and closed range, the legal duties owed in closed range areas, how to determine if property is located within an open or closed range area, the law related to building or removing fences, and the implications of fences encroaching on the property of another. Real estate agents will benefit from this course as they will be trained on how to identify fence related issues that could create issues during the sale/purchase of property. Identifying these issues will enable these problems to be remedied prior to listing/purchase.
Provided by Credit Type TREC Hours TREC #
TX ALES CE 1 43242
Provided by TX ALES
Credit Type CE
TREC Hours 1
TREC # 43242

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