New Construction Lifts Spirits - Elena Gonzales

Posted by Elena Gonzales


Early Monday mornings I head out towards Hwy 242. With a good delicious Latte by my side, I settle into a nice pace of drive and stop, music softly playing on my car radio, and the vision of new construction homes dancing in my head. This is a winding kind of road with intermittent construction...progress and businesses for a growing community.

This is a really beautiful part of the greater Houston area. The landscape is thick with mature trees. As I approach the neighborhood, Artavia, I notice how it is carefully nestled into that landscape. Driving along the main drag, I see sidewalks with a jogger, a mom pushing a baby carriage, and another homeowner walking his pup. I want to stop and ask them how they like living in this wonderful neighborhood, but I think I have already answered my own question as I pass each one who seems content and enjoying in their morning.

I pull into the Model home village, an oblong horseshoe-shaped road with several model homes, brimming with the latest and greatest the new construction world has to offer. My builder of choice today - Highland Homes.

Head over to my next New Construction blog, where I focus on some interesting points of Highland Homes.

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