Malibu Living! Why are all of the Californian's leaving?

My love of California and its Coastline is no big secret. Would I trade my Texas roots in for some California sand? Yes, America, I would... Ideally, I would live and work in California, specifically Orange County, Malibu, or San Diego, part-time and back in Houston for the remainder of the year.

My love of the Pacific Ocean has been embedded in my soul for years. Since I was a child, I would dream of living in Malibu, especially along the coastline. 

I had no idea there was such a struggle for use and privilege over the beaches in Malibu. It seems that the public and the private are at odds with who has access to some parts of the coastline. The State Coastal Commission and private property owners are often at odds about some of the signs homeowners put up. Just ignore the Right to Pass or permission subject to owner signs; they are to be ignored. Respect the home owner's privacy and property as you access the coastline in Malibu

Malibu, I will be back for you. 2020 has been a very telling year for my colleagues and me. We are all learning that we, too, can work remotely. It looks like it might be the year to try out Malibu for 1/2 of the year. 2021 & Malibu, here I come!

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