Staging to sell

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Good morning all,


Today I wanted to bring a little insight to staging your house or making it more presentable to sell! It is always nice when having an open house or a scheduled booked appointment, to have your house look desirable! I mean duh, you want someone to come in and feel welcomed, feel cozy, make them feel like this can be their next house for the next twenty years! Well here is just a few quick and simple ideas to sprucen up the place without dipping into the piggy bank!

Upating the interior or exterior paint!

  • Now I'm not saying all houses need to do so, but maybe if your house a little bit older or maybe just that shade of color is a little too dark! Bring in light colors, make the house more inviting! Light shades of blue, not white but maybe a shade of white!
  • For exterior that would only be recommended if the house hasn't been painted or re-modeled since it was built. Or perhaps it isn't the most appealing color (like avocado green)...


  • Maybe it might be nice to re-arrange the living-room or bring in or even take out some furniture to open up the room and make it feel bigger, or perhaps it is too large of a space and needs to be filled to give the buyer an idea of what his/her new room will look like! Rember use light colors or open up the shades to bring in natural light!
  • Set-up your kitchen to look opening and welcoming! This is the most important room of the house (of course... it's where all of the food is). Studies have shown that the kitchen is the most popular or most used room in the household. So having that said, if you may want to get  a little bit more money for your listing... updating your kitchen with new countertops, new cabinets or a farm-house sink! Who doesn't love a new large sink!
  • But also, if you don't want to spend that kind of money. Maybe just paint over the older cabinets to touch up and give a new life with fixtures!
  • Set-up the kitchen to where there is some open seatings for the kids to hang out while your cooking or preparing a snack.
  • Bathrooms are another important update that will give you a higher asking price then the next door neighbors! But since those costs can add up. Just CLEANING! Change out the fixtures or put in new LED lights. Or a new faucet or countertops! Or a bright new color on the wall's!
  • Lastly, cleanliness! Make sure the house is presentable; and if you can not do so, talk to your agent about making sure it is well prepared! Your paying him/her for a reason!!!


  • This will be brief, but ladies and gentlemen; make sure the curb appeal is enviable! Talk to your agent about what needs to be done to make your house look better then the Miller's...
  • If your need more plants then talk to your agent! Curb appeal is the first impression! So if your agent needs to go buy or bring in potted plants or plant new flowers then tell him/her to do so!
  • Kill all of the weeds in those cracks!
  • Make sure the lawn is always looking healthy and well cut! If you don't want to pay for it then ask your agent! Once again you are paying them to sell your house, and rest assure they want that commission!

I hope some of these tips helped. You all have a wonderful day and talk to you all soon! Remember to subscibe to my blog to stay updated with random facts and helpful healthy living and lifestyle tips! Or follow me on twitter @RGLempertz or on facebook: Russell Lempertz.

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