Does your business stop, when it rains?

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How many of you get clients that want to go tour properties on stormy weather days? 

How many of you make up excuses to why you cannot show?  The baby is sick, doctors appointments, or car trouble are a few excuses that some of you may have heard. Well, that is just what that is, an excuse.  When I joined real estate, I told myself that if I started to make excuses then that will be the time my career needs to change. 

Now most may say, Jamila it just isn't safe to drive your clients around in bad weather.  Well I do agree.  I am a person that thinks outside the box and if houses are what my clients want to look at, then houses are what my clients will see.  Just yesterday, I had a client want to revisit a property, she could not remember the features she liked most about this home and just my luck, it was raining.  The last thing that I wanted to do was track mud into a newly staged home.  Like the movie Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer says always have a contingency plan.  I immediately got on the phone with her and we went over my client/property questionnaire of each property we toured, then I sent her the video that I take while my clients are reviewing the home.  It focuses on their needs, wants, likes and dislikes.  She quickly remembered that this was a property that she could call home and was satisfied with her initial decision.

My business is always open for my clients.  I try to think ahead and be proactive because in real estate, time is of the essence.
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