3 Easy Ways to Add a Personal Touch to Your Home

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Let’s face it… It’s easy to fill up your home by taking a trip to Target or IKEA and building your living room just like the front page of an interior design magazine. There’s nothing wrong with that, but for those of you looking for a bit of a personal touch, we’re here to help you make your home your own! So we’ve put together a few ways to really add some personality to your personal space.

What Means The Most To You?

We’re starting off with our best piece of advice. Remember who you’re designing your home for. Of course, you’ll have friends and family stopping by, but they are just stopping by, but you’ve got to LIVE there! Display items that are meaningful to you. These could be souvenirs collected from far away places, books, photographs, and anything else you find that brings back memories. This will not only distinguish your home from everyone else’s but should make you smile when you walk into the room!

Don’t Take Things too Seriously

We wall want to live in the elegantly designed, modern homes we see on television or in magazines, but don’t be afraid of “throwing off” the design with a few well-placed playful accessories. It all comes back to; what makes you smile? An interesting rug, a few colorful plants, maybe a vintage chandelier, or simply a couple of colorful (and comfy) throw pillows. Adding a few pops of color can bring out the rest of the design, and bring a boatload of personality into a space with little effort.

Bring the Outside In!

Bringing some plant life into your home may sound obvious, but there are several fun ways to integrate florals into your space you may not have thought of. This doesn’t have to mean just bringing in a potted plant and setting it on the floor (although this will still work great). There are plenty of trends going around, like letting some plants grow across the wall or fireplace, hanging tradescantia from the ceiling or wall, and even putting together a shelf just for your favorite herbs or succulents.

Whatever you do, don’t be scared when interior decorating. If you like it, that’s really all that matters. Don’t be afraid to add in some silly pieces if they make you laugh or smile, and design your home for YOU and not anyone else!


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Local: The Woodlands
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