Home Repair
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When you buy a house, you may not always get the ideal one that ticks all your boxes of preferences. But even if many of the home features meet your preferences, you can compromise on a few and say, “I’ll have a bit of home renovation and bring it into shape.”

That’s a good plan. You can update, upgrade, and fix different parts of your house to make it more livable, along with meeting your expectations. This can not only ensure your home looks good, but it also increases your home value.

But is it that simple? Can you just call up the plumber, electrician, carpenter, or some other worker to come over for home modification?

Well, not really. Your road to home renovation may have some bumps along the way, and that’s what we’ll talk about. These are some common problems homeowners face when modifying their homes according to their preferences.

In addition to challenges, we’ll also tell you how can save deal with these and ensure a smooth home renovation project.

Key Takeaways

  • Renovations can often exceed initial cost estimates and budgets.
  • Local regulations might restrict certain modifications or require complex permitting.
  • Structural and layout constraints can impede desired changes.
  • Not all renovations guarantee an increase in property value.
  • Renovations can be time-consuming, causing extended household disruptions.

Limiting Your Budget

Yes, it’s a good idea to stay within your budget when executing a home modification project. But you may face unexpected expenses that’ll make you go like, “Where did that come from?”

To avoid being shocked and stressed out, you keep a cushion in your home renovation budget. Usually, homeowners keep a 20% additional emergency budget to deal with unforeseen expenses that may pop up.

So, instead of avoiding those additional expenses because you’re out of finances, having an emergency budget ensures your home renovation project stays on track and produces the desired results.

But before we move on, you’d also want to know the best way to create your home renovation budget, right? Once that’s sorted, you can add the wiggle room.

One of the best ways to develop a budget is to keep in contact with your contractor. As they’re the experts, they can assess your expectations and tell you a budget you’d want for the project. After that, you can add to the emergency budget.

Weak Foundations

Remember, home renovation is about making the most of what you have and improving it. If the home isn’t built on solid foundations, it’s a different challenge. With things like cracks on the floor, gaps on the edges, and grading issues, home modification can be a lot more costly.

So, before the home renovation project starts, it’s important to have an entire property inspection. This will tell you the true extent of your home damages and what you need to fix.

Usually, structural issues can be taken care of with home modification. If the foundations are too weak that it’ll your home renovation plan, you may need an entirely new foundation to build from scratch. Which means, lots of time and finances.

Outdated Items Used

As you execute your renovation plans, you may discover things that need to be replaced. Why? Because they’re too old and reached their limits. Usually, these are your plumbing pipes and electric wiring.

Let’s address the pipes first. If the pipes are old, they might be prone to corrosion. Meaning unsafe water running through the pipes. If the pipes are safe from corrosion, are they leaking? This can cause your house to be filled with water.

You can use the PVC and copper material pipes in your home for an uninterrupted flow of water.

Now, here’s how electric wiring can make be an obstacle in your renovation plans. If the wiring quality is not of upgraded standards, it can invite short circuits and fire damage to your home.

Consider using a ground-fault circuit interrupter that ensures your circuit breaker will cut the power in the event of an electric fault.

Look for Cheap Material

Sometimes, short-term fixes can lead to long-term struggles. Homeowners can easily make the mistake of choosing the cheapest material for their home renovation project.

Amongst so many problems you have with using cheap materials, one is that they usually have limited warranty. So, even if you find a defect in those products, you don’t have the option to return them.

Let’s suppose you have bought cheap material and your home modification is complete. The question you’ll ask is, “Was it the right move to buy cheap products?” Well, not if your home starts to deteriorate because of those low-quality cheap products that had limited durability.

Not only will it cost you a lot of time and money with home renovation again, but you’ll have your home value decreased as well.

Incomplete Research

If you go in blind, without doing enough research about your home renovation project, you’re likely to make unsatisfactory decisions. When you’re buying a home, it’s important to hire home inspectors to know the defects in the property.

Remember what we said before. You may not get the ideal property you’re looking for, so you can first buy a property, and make the home modifications after.

After doing the research and knowing what your renovation process will look like, get quotations from various contractors in your area. You can also survey home renovation prices in your area. One of the best ways is to ask people in your neighborhood. Another way to research can be to reach out to an expert real estate agent for their input.

These insights will help you choose between the contractors’ quotations you’ve received. Once you’ve finalized a contractor, now research the cost of products and set up your home renovation budget. When you’re making the budget, don’t forget the first part, keeping a wiggle room.

Communication Issues

Lack of communication in any project can lead to dire consequences and it’s the same in home modification. Your contractor should understand your expectations.

As you’ve researched your home modification project, you can communicate with the contractor better and ask the right questions. We suggest breaking down your home renovation project into timelines and milestones. Sit down with your contractor and work together to plan the time each activity with take. This will also tell you when your renovation is likely to be completed.

Not Asking Questions

As we’ve established how important communication is, you should also keep asking questions about the renovation project and its timelines.

As Washington Irving said, There’s not such a dumb question. If you’re spending money, you should know why.” Keeping contacting the contractor for questions to ensure you’re on the same page.

Lack of communication and not asking the right questions may result in a misunderstanding between you and the contractor. This could jeopardize your entire home modification project, as you won’t get what you were expecting.

If the contractor doesn’t clearly understand your expectations, you may need consistent reworking, which means a lot of extra time spent on home modification. Better communication can reduce the number of reworks during your renovation, resulting in faster renovation.

Another crucial reason why communication between you and the contractor is important is so your budget doesn’t exceed. If there are changes in the initial plan and the contractor proceeds without your approval, the home modification may exceed your budget.

Choosing the Right Workforce

Remember when we said to do thorough research before initiating the home renovation? Well, it’s not only limited to the material used. You should also do a background check about the contractor you’re hiring.

Their total years of experience? The projects in their portfolio? Do they have a responsive communication style? These are just a few of the ways you can assess if the contractor meets your expectations and renovate your home as you desire.

Yes, before you ask, we have not mentioned “the price” as one of the factors. As discussed earlier that going for cheap materials can ruin your renovation project, the same can be true for choosing a contractor that offers lower rates.

Choosing to save money, instead of going for quality can be a decision you may regret later on.

Learn More: Find a Real Estate Expert

Wrapping it Up

Home renovation is a satisfying process that can transform the outlook of your home and elevate your living standards.

These were not all the problems and hurdles faced by homeowners during their home renovation. But these were the common ones, which can be easily avoided.

You know the potential renovation challenge. But before you come to that, you’ll need a home to execute your renovation plans, and that’s where we come in. At HAR, our real estate agents help you find the perfect beginning

We’re waiting to hear from you.



1. How can I ensure my home renovation stays within budget?

To keep your home renovation within budget, it's wise to include a cushion for unforeseen expenses, typically around 20% of the total budget. Maintaining open communication with your contractor and allowing them to provide a budget estimate can help you create a realistic financial plan.

2. How can I address weak foundations during a home renovation project?

Weak foundations can be addressed during a home renovation by conducting a thorough property inspection before starting the project. Depending on the extent of the structural issues, it may be necessary to rebuild the foundation, which can be a significant investment.

3. How can I ensure my home renovation project doesn't use outdated or problematic materials?

Avoid using outdated materials by inspecting your plumbing pipes and electrical wiring. Corroded or leaking pipes can be replaced with durable materials like PVC and copper. Installing a ground-fault circuit interrupter can enhance electrical safety.

4. Why is using cheap materials a bad idea for a home renovation project?

Using cheap materials for your renovation can lead to long-term issues and decrease your home's value. Low-quality materials often come with limited warranties and may deteriorate quickly, necessitating additional renovation costs and affecting your property's overall value.

5. What steps can I take to avoid common pitfalls during a home renovation project?

To avoid common renovation problems, start by researching your project thoroughly and getting multiple contractor quotes. Keep open communication with your contractor and ask questions about the project. Also, choose your workforce carefully, considering factors like experience, portfolio, and communication style

Published date on Jan. 16, 2024


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