Christopher Dayanand

Coldwell Banker Realty - Sugar Land

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Level Points Symbol
5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

Recent Participation

Is refinancing your home after the age of 60 worth it?

Depends on your ability to repay the loan and long term strategy.Posted 3 years ago

Can a Houston Realtor run a comp for a property in Port Arthur? Also find out its water source?

Yes but I would refer it to a local reator there and get agreed commission split. Posted 3 years ago

Is there a time limit on a listing agreement?

No. But becomes enforced when you have it in writing. Why specifically a 16 month time frame? Is it because the houses don't sell in that location? Based on the comps, are houses in that market average 16 month to sell?Posted 3 years ago

Do you provide Sellers Disclosure to anyone that is not in contract with the seller?

Yes. Don't you? What is the reason behind this question?Posted 3 years ago

update on reinspections

Good advise. Posted 3 years ago

What area of a home remodel would add value to your sales price?

Kitchen and bathroom in my opinion gets biggest value. Neutral freshly painted wall and flooring are added bonus!Posted 3 years ago

Under Contract - Continue to Show

wow! we have some awesome realtors providing informational responses.Posted 7 years ago

House still shows pending but has sold and closed?

Realtor dealing with these transaction are too busy since he/she may be dealing with builder's multiple transactions. Also another form of free advertisement showing that agent has many transactions to potential clients.Posted 5 years ago

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