Consumer Profile

Ronald Camacho

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Silver Level

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Level Points Symbol
5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199
Score Details:
Total Answers962192
Best Answers61060
Questions Asked020
Resolved Questions0--
Total Thumbs Up Received98198
Total Thumbs Down Received4--
Your Total Thumbs Up/Down60160
Total Points408

Recent Participation

How can I get a realtor to remove their lockbox from my door?

It's your house. Get out the bolt cutters.Posted 11 years ago

I need a mortgage company in Houston that deals with less than perfect credit

Giving a shot at credit repair is a great idea. I referred a client to Allied Credit Solutions, LLC, contact is Larry Faubion. His mobile is (214) 489-8203.

It took around SIX months but the service was a success. My client and I experienced more...Posted 11 years ago

If you have to vacate because of a foreclosure...


Please re-post your question. State whether you are the owner or a tenant. What stage of the foreclosure are you in? Has a lockout notice has been posted by the Sheriff, etc.Posted 11 years ago

Has the government 'shutdown' impacted you or anyone you know in the real estate industry?

Yes. A friend of mine processes VA loans. Initially she was told that her position would not be effected by the shut-down, however, yesterday she was informed that her last check would be Oct. 11, 2013. Posted 11 years ago

Realtors: Who's the number one person who has helped you the most in your real estate career?

This was a no brainer for me. John Morris (deceased). He was my mentor at Keller Williams Southwest. He taught me to take the time to help other agents, as he took the time to teach me. I'll never forget when he took the time to meet me at a home more...Posted 11 years ago

Have You Invested in TREPAC? If so, share why you do and why others should.

I try to at least do my minimum share. It should be noted that TREPAC is non-partisan. When it comes to REALTOR matters, we're all in it together. Posted 11 years ago

Are Open Houses working for you in this low inventory Market?

Open Houses can always work if you are looking for leads.Posted 11 years ago

Let's Take a Poll (Paperless or Not)?

By all means paperless. On a side-note, I faxed a letter yesterday. When was the last time you used a fax? After I found the fax (which is actually our scanner/copier), I had to ask for help. lolPosted 11 years ago

What can we do to protect water rights in Texas?

Kenya, very informative. Thanks for the reminder. It should be mentioned that TAR is a supporter of the proposition.

Great post!Posted 11 years ago

I would like to see listings in Parkgate South, Pasadena, Tx 77504

Hello Robert,

Send me your contact information and I will send you a list of the Active listings in Parkgate subdivision. My e-mail address is Contact number is (281) 404-7979.
Posted 11 years ago