James De Stefano

Realty Right

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I know my response is about 2 yrs. after the original post, but I've notices flat rates occasionally on leases for sure. ( $200 - 300 for buyer agent) Posted 8 years ago

Is it better to use a bank or private company as a lender?

Often you should be able to ask a real estate agent for some suggestions, and they should give you at least 2 - 3 lenders. Some specialize in speedy response, personalized contacts, or trying to give you different approaches depending on how much more...Posted 6 years ago

Is wall paper coming back in style?

Very good discussion here, and I must agree it depends on the situation, area of the city, market etc. nnWallpaper will likely show someone's style and personality, but might garner too much attention if you are selling your home and just might turn more...Posted 8 years ago

What does the different colors mean when you’re searching for a house?

Hi Martha, nnThe above answers are correct. To add 1 more thing, you can easily use a "filter search" function when searching on map view to include or exclude Option Pending houses ( Under contract). The more you use it, the more familiar you will more...Posted 6 years ago

Do people prefer Condo vs House for renting in Houston Area?

Hi Franky ,nnIt really depends on the situation. Does the condo have the location many people find desirable? Does it have a decent sized backyard for the dogs? nnWe lived in a 3 story condo for a few years, and it started to become tiring going more...Posted 6 years ago

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