Christopher Dayanand

Coldwell Banker Realty - Sugar Land

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5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

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Have you seen an attick door that comes down and retracts at the push of a button?

Nice. I have not seen or heard about automatic attic door. I will add this to my list of future planned custom house!nnChrisn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 11 years ago

am cherishing for rent a villa in Houston Tx three room with 3 bath

Hi,nnI am guessing it is time to find another house to lease or get your own dream house. Reach out to me and I can help.nnChrisn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 10 years ago

How do I make sure my next rental doesn't have mold in the HVAC unit?

Hello MW,nnMold is everywhere and it depends. I was told that hot shower without using exhaust fan what causes mold near the registers. Another mold expert say mold could be present in duct but unless you mess with it by cleaning, it should cause issues. more...Posted 8 years ago

How can I find a Realtor that actually want to keep their word?

Forget them and reach the next one who will give you priority and keep their word. Communication is key for all businesses.nnChrisn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 9 years ago

Looking for credible and local investor friendly brokers

I am guessing you meant agents and not brokers? (Since agents are the worker bees and the brokers are Queen bees (Just Kidding)). nnRead the signature at the bottom of this message and that is the best trustworthy, credible and local investor friendly more...Posted 6 years ago

How many continuing education class hours do I have?

Here is the alternate methodnn1. Google search - TREC license holder searchn2. Enter your lastname, firstnamennThe output will give you all the classes you have takennnChrisn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 6 years ago

What is the best way for advertising for new agents?

Rania,nnDo open house, door hanging or door knocking, start with farming small subdivision and expand, use facebook to promote, use twitter, join many realtor groups, wear your name tag when you go outside, start a conversation with every person you more...Posted 6 years ago

Is there any builders that new home buyers should watch out for?

You get what you pay. When you walk into model house, you can pretty much figure out what kind of builders they are. Some cut corners a lot and some are very generous. But there are times I have seen where people love a model from mid and low end more...Posted 7 years ago

How hard is it to dispute the home appraised value for tax purpose?

I have been using O'connor for many years who will dispute taxes on my behalf for my rental and homestead.nnChrisn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 7 years ago

How do you stop a neighbor who rents her home from calling the neighborhood association about your car?

I am with Francois. Work with your HOA and handle it right away. Ask for extra time if needed.. Fighting against them only aggravates them more and they find more faults nonstop.nnChrisn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 11 years ago

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