Christopher Dayanand

Coldwell Banker Realty - Sugar Land

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5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

Recent Participation

What company is your clients preferred Home Warranty Company for Sellers Coverage and Why?

I have used only AHS. All home warranty company has pros and cons. Sometimes you have to fight or escalate your request.Posted 6 years ago

How do you find out a home is in a flooded area?

Google for FEMA website and enter the address. It will mention whether the property is in flood zone.Posted 5 years ago


During option pending, buyer can do all types of inspection. Buyer can walk out based on the reports and at the most he will lose option money but will get back his earnest money. Once it gets into option status then buyer can still back out but will more...Posted 4 years ago

Equity loan for property under LLC.

I know of some investors who have gotten equity loans from their properties. I heard the only requirement is they have to run an appraisal. Check with smaller banks and credit unions. nnnChrisnColdwell Bankers United Realtorsn832-859-8698nChrisRe more...Posted 6 years ago

My voucher is more than what asking price of rent

To make complete use of your voucher, you need to find the right priced house for lease. A realtor can help you find the house for your price range and the neighborhood you are interested in.nnnChrisnColdwell Bankers United Realtorsn832-859-8698nCh more...Posted 6 years ago

How do I change my email address on HAR?

You cannot on HAR. Why don't you reach to a realtor who can set it up for you, tune your search criteria time to time and research neighborhoods for you? He/she does this for a living and they are the first to know when a property available sometimes more...Posted 6 years ago

Repair or replace galvanized pipe in house?

Repipe the entire house and that is my recommendation. Cost less and worry free for a long time to come!nnnChrisnColdwell Bankers United Realtorsn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 6 years ago

Replace or repair galvanized pipe in house?

I would repipe the entire house. That is my recommendation. No headaches and worries for long time to come.nnnChrisnColdwell Bankers United Realtorsn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 6 years ago

Best neighborhoods in Houston for single young professional working downtown with budget up to 1.2m?

Sorry I am biased. I will recommend three areas since I am looking for bigger returns for one of my biggest investments in life.nnSugar Land, Richmond and Katy.nnYou have to have a car to live in Houston. Go party and have biggest day/evening/night more...Posted 6 years ago

What does the active purple mean

You have the answer you need. Talk to a realtor who has access to all new listings, negotiating skills to talk to the landlord and get you the right house to lease.nnnChrisnColdwell Bankers United Realtorsn832-859-8698nChrisRealEstatePro.comPosted 6 years ago

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