Christopher Dayanand

Coldwell Banker Realty - Sugar Land

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5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

Recent Participation

What is the easiest way to find out about deed restrictions? If any?

Title companies have provided me HOA details.Posted 4 years ago

Can I list my property?

If you are talking about listing your property on HAR then no you cannot if you are not a licensed realtor. A realtor can help you listing the house. Call few, interview them and go with one you are comfortable with.nnChris.nColdwell Banker United more...Posted 4 years ago

Realtor help with relocation (2wks) and past eviction?

Yes a realtor can help you with your needs. Reach out to couple and talk to them. Select whoever you are comfortable with.nnChris.nColdwell Banker United RealtorsPosted 4 years ago

Available Flooding area maps of houston?

Yes there is flood map and after Harvey people seems to be paying more attention to these flood maps before purchasing a home.nnChris.nColdwell Banker United RealtorsPosted 4 years ago

Hello everyone! new member from Houston looking for rental investment properties.

Finding a rental investment property is not a problem in Houston. There are huge potential in this market and good luck!nnChris.nColdwell Banker United RealtorsPosted 4 years ago

Looking gor an agent that works with section 8 vouchers

Not many realtors can help with section 8 since they are not aware of the amount of work involved. You need to call realtors and ask if they are experienced with sec 8. This will help and expedite finding the right house and a smooth experience.nnChris.nColdwell more...Posted 4 years ago

Is it possible to rent a house with past eviction?

It is going to be hard but it is possible. Some of the landlords may ask for double or triple deposit and stable income.nnChris.nColdwell Banker United RealtorsPosted 4 years ago

At what point can inspection of home take place?

Depending on whether you are buying already a built home or constructing one. For already built home you have answers from different realtors when to do inspection and that is during your option period. It is always advisable to have inspection done more...Posted 4 years ago

Anyone looking for a home near the Lake?

Hi,nI see that you are trying to find different unique ways to market your property. Not many realtors pay attention to the questions or response in this forum. You will be better off advertising the conventional ways realtors use to sell a property more...Posted 4 years ago

What are good good home warranty companies in the Houston area?

Have used only AHS but sometimes I had to escalate or fight a requestPosted 11 years ago

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