Christopher Dayanand

Coldwell Banker Realty - Sugar Land

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5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

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Do I need to talk to a lender to rent a home?

Lenders are used when you want to buy a house. For a rental house, you can talk to a realtor or the owner directly. Most of the owners prefer you dealing with their agent.nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.comn832.859.8698Posted 7 years ago

Wow, Matrix really sucks!

Hello Dottie,nnTechnology changes and we have to keep up with it. The way you are used to have been changed. As suggested, take some of those free HAR classes and you will get much familiar with the new tool. I was a tempo users and I didn't want to more...Posted 7 years ago

Find Top Producer Agent and or broker in an area.

Ryan has provided you a good answer and link. You need to also keep in mind that some of the new realtors are smart and will aggressively sell or buy the right house for you. You are the only thing that they have and they can dedicate 100% of their more...Posted 7 years ago

Is there a way to deactivate HAR membership and keep my state license active?

Yes you can if you do not have the time to totally dedicate. There could be some brokers who may be okay with it but majority make it as part of their requirement. nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.comn832.859.8698Posted 7 years ago

Are there plans for new luxury high rise condominiums in Houston?

Sharik,nnAs a investor in single family houses the last 8 years, I am not a fan of condominiums. I always found good buys, held it for many years and sold it for a good profit. Good luck in getting the condo of your dreams. If you need a single family more...Posted 7 years ago

How much concern regarding a builder reputation when BBB rating is "F"?

Hello Kenneth,nnWhy bother when you are seeing bad rating and unresolved issues with that builder? The best first alternate if you really want a house in that area is buy just a lot and get your own builder. There are many builders out there who will more...Posted 8 years ago

Do I need a realtor if I am looking at new construction?

Hello Heather,nnYou received many excellent advice from other realtors. I will just add this last piece of advice.nnA realtor job is to buy and sell houses all day long for his clients. He has come across good builds and some nightmares. Buying a more...Posted 8 years ago

Do you need a Certificate of Occupancy to sell a new home in Bellaire?

Hello James,nnI hope you got all the answers you were looking for. If you still have any other questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me. nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.comn832.859.8698Posted 8 years ago

Home Buying negotiating with builder

Hello Leonardo,nnEverything is negotiable when you have the right realtor next to you. A good realtor has contacts with all kinds of people. He can point you towards few lenders where you can compare apples to apples to see if you are get getting the more...Posted 8 years ago

Im looking into buying land to build a home .

Hello Daniel,nnYou want to do it the old traditional way of finding your own land and building it the way you want. It is exciting but can also can take a toll since you will be in the middle of all activities. Very rarely you will find a lot in an more...Posted 7 years ago

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