Christopher Dayanand

Coldwell Banker Realty - Sugar Land

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I am looking for a real state agent that is interested in working finding houses to flip

Hello Robert,nnThis is a 7 month old thread and I am not sure whether you are still in flipping business. Let me know if you are still interested and I can help you.nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.comn832.859.8698Posted 7 years ago

Wanted get information on flipping houses in houston

You need to advertise spending dollars on marketing or sweat toil. One of the seminar I attended recently suggested a minimum of $3k in marketing or 60 hours of sweat equity. You need to promote yourself and tell people that you want to buy their houses. more...Posted 7 years ago

I wanted to get into buying and fixing and reselling after fixing

Hugo,nnI am an investor and now a full time realtor. I have bought, fixed, held over a period of time and sold houses. When you have the right team supporting you then you can make money. Houston is filled with investors and there is lot of stiff more...Posted 7 years ago

What does a property have to have to constitute as "Multifamily"?

To me, 4 or more units will be a multifamily. A single family residence with multiple families sharing is not a multifamily. Each unit needs to stand alone. Utilities can be shared evenly among all units but that has drastically changed since now more...Posted 7 years ago

I need to pay my annual membership dues. Where do I do that?

If you want to navigate on your own then you can follow the steps belownn1. Log into as a realtorn2. Click on My Accountsn3. Pay Dues Online.nnI just paid my annual dues.nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.comn832.859.8698Posted 7 years ago

Sources for commercial comps

Hello Ryan,nnI have used loopnet before and the free version does not provide critical data. Are you using paid version? Did you check with your broker what tool he is using and which one he will recommend? nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealE more...Posted 7 years ago

When are Matrix classes in Ft. Bend?

Elizabeth,nnClasses are added and removed based on the demand. Below link will give you all the class that are in Fort Bend HAR location.nn Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.c more...Posted 7 years ago

Iisting price reduction

Harvey had a huge impact temporarily on the buyers. Many buyers stepped back to the sidelines not knowing which directions to go and if the houses that they were considering to buy are now under flood zone. Many people also learnt where not to buy more...Posted 7 years ago

If the living area is different from the appraisal value, the actual size should be reported to the appraisal office?

The advantage is low appraised value and taxes paid. The disadvantage will show up when you want to sell it. It will be a good idea when you get it fixed when you are ready to sell it.nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.comn832.859.869 more...Posted 7 years ago

Will current listings in Fushion or Tempo be automatically be transfered to matrix

You should know by now since both Fusion and tempo has been retired. Matrix is the official tool.nnChrisnColdwell Bankersnwww.ChrisRealEstatePro.comn832.859.8698Posted 7 years ago

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