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Ashley Williams

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5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

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Do dog parks add property value

Hi Laura, I would say that dog parks definitely add value! Whether you were looking to sell or lease out of property having something close to a nice green space for people that have pets is a great plus.Posted 8 years ago

I'm interested in moving to Houston area. How would I go about finding housing to rent?

Hi realtor to help you start the application process, figure out which area of the city would like to live in – I would suggest somewhere close to your work. And happy searching! Welcome to Houston!Posted 9 years ago

Relocating to Texas from Wisconsin

I would definitely say to hire a realtor, timing will be key in this sort of situation. A realtor will help you along as smoothly as possible and with the least amount of possible incident. Posted 9 years ago

Does anyone know of someone who would be willing to rent to someone with 5 dogs?

I don't know of anyone personally but I think a space with a larger green area would be more willing. Definitely include a letter of explanation with all applications to help the process along.Posted 9 years ago

My husband and I are relocating to the Houston area (from Utah) at the end of December.

Welcome to Houston! The best way to make to through the rental process is to hire a realtor to represent you, as a leasee the service is of no charge to you and soo worth it!Posted 9 years ago

My neighbor is building a fence on my property, what can I do?

If you have an accurate survey I would first make it known to him where your legal property boundaries are located and then proceed to legal action if necessary.Posted 11 years ago

I have noticed that many of the homes are priced much higher than the assessed tax value. Some by 75,000 dollars. Do

The appraisal districts valuation process isn't always in line with market value, I would use recent sales your realtor could provide you with as a better determination.Posted 11 years ago

As a seller, what do we do, concerning FHA loans, about an appraisal that was inaccurate?

Your agent should contact the mortgage professional and speak with the appraiser if possible & provide evidence that their measurements were inaccurate and therefore comparable properties used in the original appraisal were also inaccurate. They should more...Posted 10 years ago

Is there a place on this website that will tell me the average price per sq foot a home sold for in my neighborhood?

You would get the best and most accurate results from a realtor. We would be able to look up more specific details using our tools to give you the best information. Posted 9 years ago

I''m considering offering to buy the home I''m renting, where should I start?

You should speak to a realtor about assessing the value of the home and speak to a mortgage professional about what you qualify to purchase. If those two check out I would simply have your realtor submit an offer on your behalf and begin the process more...Posted 9 years ago