Consumer Profile

Ashley Williams

Community Participation

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Silver Level

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Level Points Symbol
5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

Recent Participation

Letter to tenant who breeched 2 year lease before 1 year (March 17,2015 - March 30, 2017) left 2/18/2016

I would make sure you have great documentation of everything that has happened to prepare for small claims court. I would definitely hire a lawyer to represent you & review everything. As far as the security deposit you can deduct for anything beyond more...Posted 8 years ago


your app should automatically update every time it is open otherwise I would call and ask for an update code to enter manually if you are having some issues. Posted 11 years ago

I'm trying to use HAR to find a condo or townhome to lease?

you can find a condo or townhome but searching for rentals and searching specifically for townhouse or condos once you do so. Posted 11 years ago

Are there any condo's in the Spring, Klein or Cypress areas that have annual maintenance fees instead of monthly fees?

I am not aware of any condo association that assesses fees annually versus monthly. Posted 11 years ago

I live in Los Angeles and want to purchase a condo I saw online. I don't have a realtor can I contact the sellers realto

Yes you can, I would recommend hiring a realtor to represent you in the sale and everything else is able to be conducted via email although I would recommend a walk through if you can take time away & visit. Posted 10 years ago

Condo Contract Question

I wouldn't recommend to skip the Owner Title Policy but I think it would be best in this instance to speak with a Real Estate Attorney and Title representative to make a more informed decision. Posted 10 years ago

How can you rate your agent?

HAR client experience rating would be the best avenue I would say, if your Realtor takes part in that - other than that I would say yelp would be the next best option. Posted 9 years ago

Which is the best State to invest property?

In my opinion Texas is the best state to invest in - I am highly biased I must add as expect many participants in this discussion to be as well. I believe so because of property owners rights, low property taxes & high value compared to other areas that more...Posted 8 years ago

How much does it cost an agent to put a listing on the MLS?

HAR is a yearly fee, MLS is a quarterly fee, CSS which your client may be using is a fee based on whatever their plan is with that company. I would speak directly to your realtor if you have questions about what their expenses are - Realtors are Independent more...Posted 8 years ago

Do I have to be an agent before I can post a property for rent?

Yes you have to be a licensed agent who is a member of HAR to have access to the member benefits which includes posting listings for lease. Posted 10 years ago