Consumer Profile

Ashley Williams

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Silver Level

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Level Points Symbol
5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

Recent Participation

Is seller allow to deny the buyer an option period?

The option period is negotiable so yes they are able to do that but that doesn't affect your clients ability to have an inspection. Also there are several other ways the contract could be dissolved under the proper circumstances. Posted 10 years ago

What is your opinion on the agent attending the home inspection and walking through with the Buyer and inspector?

I think it's great to do at the end of the inspection to wrap up & be present when receiving the report if your inspector gives their reports on site, but I don't recommend hovering the entirety of the inpsection. I once had an inspector stop his inspection more...Posted 9 years ago

Katy or The Woodlands, the office is in Aldine?

I would choose The Woodlands for a drive to Aldine, hope this helps! Posted 8 years ago

Residential Morphed to Commercial?

Their are a ton of formerly residential properties being used as commercial especially in the Montrose & heights areas. Most of these properties are still taxed as residential and you could use the comparable property tool on the Realist tax search to more...Posted 8 years ago

Is it difficult to get a mortgage financed with self employment income with tax returns?

It shouldn't be difficult at all, as long you have 2 years of tax returns, 1099's etc everything should be fine. I would give Kelly Williams at Allstar Mortgage a call 281.213.8850, she has worked with several self employed customers! Posted 9 years ago

Where should I look for lenders, other than the white pages?

You can actually search for a mortgage officer by searching under the affiliates section in Find a Pro right here on HAR. I would also consult with your broker. Posted 9 years ago

Good Lender? I am looking for a lender who can close every deal he says he can close and on time. Thank you.

Kelly Williams at Allstar Mortgage is amazing, give her a call 281.213.8850!Posted 9 years ago

Are there any lenders out there accepting FICO scores in the 530 - 580 range

I would consult a mortgage professional. Kelly Williams at Allstar Mortgage is great, extremely knowledgeable & friendly, give her a call 281.213.8850!Posted 9 years ago

Managing your own escrow

One thing to make sure to take in consideration when managing your own escrow as well is to check for fees your bank may have if your balance falls below a certain point. Some will charge a fee if your balance falls below $2500. Also make sure to have more...Posted 9 years ago

Looking Into Real Estate School

I received my education at Champions and loved it! It's a great school and it really prepares you for the test exceptionally well. As a realtor you will be an Independent Contractor so you will be able to make your own schedule and work part time as more...Posted 8 years ago